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$50.00 (One Per Municipality or Firm: Voting Member) (Retired Member - $35)


Membership shall be open to the chief engineering representative of each city and village in Northeast Ohio; to the County Engineer and the County Sanitary Engineer of each County in Northeast Ohio; to the Chief Engineer of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District; and to the Commissioners of Engineering Construction and Utilities Engineering for the City of Cleveland, all of whom shall be known as “Members”. Where more than one city or village has retained a firm, one member only of such firm shall be considered the chief engineering representative for all of the cities or villages relative to voting rights. An engineering representative, who has or had been a qualified member in good standing of this association and who no longer qualifies as a member due to a change in employment, position, or title, may continue or be reinstated as a “Member”, entitled to all member rights for as long as he conforms to all other association criteria. These criteria for continuation of “Member” status shall be retroactive to the date of adoption of the original constitution and by-laws.




$45.00 (No Limit on Number per City or Firm - Non–voting members) 

(Retired Associate - $35)


A registered professional engineer or surveyor, licensed in the State of Ohio, may become an “Associate Member” if he engages in engineering or surveying services involving municipal engineering, public or private. Any registered Engineer of Surveyor not meeting the criteria set forth herein, who desires to become an “Associate Member”, shall present his written request along with his pertinent credentials to the “Members” for consideration. Said person shall become and “Associate Member” if they receive at least two-thirds of the votes, by written ballot, of the “Members” in good standing.



$45.00 (No Limit on Number per City or Firm - Non–voting members) 

(Retired Affiliate - $35)


Any person that does not meet the criteria of “Member” or “Associate Member” status but have an interest in the field of municipal engineering shall become an “Affiliate Member”. Those persons such as consultants, non-registered engineers or surveyors, vendors and suppliers who provide services or supplies associated with municipal engineering shall be eligible for this status. Any person who desires to become an “Affiliate Member”, shall present his written request along with his pertinent credentials to the “Members” for consideration. Said person shall become and “Affiliate Member” if they receive at least two-thirds of the votes, by written ballot, of the “Members” in good standing.



$100.00 (One Membership Included w/Corporate Sponsor)

Corporate Sponsorship includes one membership and logo with website link on MEANEO homepage.


Any person who is presently a member or associate member in good standing of this organization as of December 31, 2001 shall retain this status regardless of the criteria set forth herein for membership or associate membership.

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