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MEANEO Committees and Representatives

Membership Committee (3)

1.  Andy Blackley, Chairperson

2.  Joe Ciuni, Representative

3.  Jake Barbour, Representative 



Standards Committee (5)

1.  Rich Wasosky, Chairperson

2.  Tom Capello, Representative

3.  Don Ramm, Representative 

4.  Ed Piatak, Representative 

5.  Bruce Bittner, Representative


Constitution/Bylaws Review Committee (3)

1.  Andy Blackley, Representative

2.  Mark Papke, Representative 

3.  OPEN


Professional Practice/Continuing Education Committee (5)

1.  Julie Buffenbarger, Chairperson

2.  Larry Fulton, Representative

3.  Aimee Pergalsky, Representative 

4.  Dennis Albrecht, Representative 

5.  Joe Schaller, Representative 







To join an open Committee spot please contact Jake Barbour at 


Publicity Committee (3)

1. Mike Henry, Chairperson

2. Gary Yelenosky, Representative 

3. Nick Fini, Representative 


Philanthropy/Social Committee (5)

1.  Chris Courtney, Chairperson

2.  Don Lepley, Representative

3.  Vince D’Angelo, Representative

4.  Susan Hamilton, Representative

5.  Jeff Filarski, Representative


Environmental Committee (5)

1.  Gene Esser, Chairperson

2.  Frank Greenland, Representative 

3.  OPEN

4.  OPEN

5.  OPEN


Website Committee (3)

1.  Jake Barbour, Chairperson

2.  Matt Jones, Representative

3.  Gary Yelenosky, Representative


Executive Committee (3)

1.  Jake Barbour, Chairperson

2.  Matt Jones, Representative

3.  Susan Hamilton, Representative

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